【It has exceeded 1,300,000 downloads, thank you for your support! !】Just one touch to turn off and lock screen.The hardware power button of some devices is not well designed. The frequent use to power on/off screen may damage it. We provide the software buttons to replace it and extend its lifespan. ★ Different kinds of buttons:- Display on home screen- Display in the notification- (floating button) Float over other apps ★ Features of all buttons:- Built-in icon library- Select favorite icon fro
m device- Vibrate/sound/animation when locking★ Features of floating button:- Adjust button size/opacity- Display weather information- Single tap/double tap/swiping the button to trigger the actions: ↪ Memory clean ↪ APP shortcuts ↪ System settings ↪ Screen capture ↪ Flashlight ↪ Home key/back key/recent apps ↪ Last APP ↪ Notification panel ↪ Power menu- Auto hide in the fullscreen mode- Auto show/hide in the specific APPs- Auto return to the set position (In this mode, when button is moved, it will automatically move back to the set position in seconds. To change the set position, just move it to new position & hold in seconds)★ Notice:- This application may use accessibility service to let lock button floating over other apps.- If you need to uninstall our application, please must uninstall it from “Screen Lock Settings”.- This app requires device administrator policy to lock screen.
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