Neighborhood is a social network that allows each and every individual to live out their life as they see it
Neighborhood is a social network that allows each and every individual to live out their life as they see it. Select avatars that represent how you see your life, choose between different styles of houses that you think represent your life. Neighborhood incorporates the ability to keep in touch with ones friends, follow ones hero’s, and take part in group conversations with complete strangers. Neighborhood takes pride in the fact that it maintain very little information on each individual allo
wing for each user to freely express themselves and be friends with anyone. Neighborhood is geared toward a younger audience that wants to socialize only with people their own age.When you first create an account you will be able to select an avatar and house that you think embodies you. The main page has your avatar, house, and main feed in the middle of the screen. The avatar is used to store what information you provide and to share with your friends. The house is used to store you photos and videos. You main feed is where yours post, your friends chatter, and your tailgates will be displayed. The users whose chatter posted to your feed will display their avatar and their chatter. You can select that avatar and it will take you directly to their feed and give you the ability to private message them. If the main feed chatter has an avatar and a house with it that indicates that this is a tailgate and you cannot go to their feed.On both sides of the main feed are tabs. On the left is a tab that allow you to change your avatar and house if you so choose. We will be incorporating avatars and houses customized to the users request in the future. On the right side of your main feed is two tabs, on the top is Door tab which allows for forum style conversations. In these door create and participated in different topics created by you, your friends, or someone completely anonymous. Below the door tab is the Neighbors tab, here you will be able to find your friends and meet new friends. The Neighbors tab also allow you to tailgate someone. Tailgating is when you want to keep up with someone but are not their friend. You will be able to send a tailgate request and keep up with them. The settings tab allows the user to get a hold of us, turn off/on notifications, change password, become a paid artist, and log off.If your young and want something new that is intended only for younger people, give Neighborhood a shot.
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