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Alexis Icon Pack: Clean and Minimalistic

ALEXIS ICONSLooking for clean, sweet, and elegant theme for your device? Give Alexis a try!.FEATURES1. 5346 icons and grow2. XXXHDPI icons 192x192 pixel3. Fully based on vector graphic processing4. 100++ HD cloud-based wallpapers5. Many alternate icons to choose from6. Compatible with many Android Launchers7. Regular update / Long term support8. Quick search and preview icons9. Smart and Premium Icon Request10. Muzei live wallpaper support11. Dynamic calendar support e.g Google, Today, Touch, Sunrise, Biz, Business, pre-installed calendar etc12. Shorted in various categories13. Image Picker, Attach Icon from Dashboard App as an Image to Email, Hangouts, etc or Even Use it to Create Zooper Widget14. And many moreCOMPATIBLE WITHApply via Dashboard : Abc Launcher, Action Launcher, Adw Launcher, Apex Launcher, Atom Launcher, Aviate Launcher, Cm Launcher, Evie Launcher, Go Launcher, Holo HD Launcher, Holo Launcher, Lg Home Launcher, Lucid Launcher, M launcher Launcher, Mini Launcher, Next Launcher, Nougat Launcher, Nova Launcher, Smart Launcher, Solo Launcher, V Launcher, ZenUI Launcher, Zero LauncherApply via launcher / theme setting : Poco Launcher, Arrow Launcher, Xperia Home, EverythingMe, Themer, Hola, Arrow Launcher, Trebuchet, Unicon, Cobo Launcher, Line Launcher, Mesh Launcher, Z Launcher, ASAP Launcher, Peek Launcher, and maybe more that have icon pack supportANY UNTHEMED ICONS?Simply use regular / premium Icon Request feature inside the app to request missed icons and leave the rest to meIMPORTANT** This is not standalone app. You need a compatible Android launcher to use this icon pack** Google Now Launcher, Pixel Launcher, or any launcher that came factory installed (except Lg , Xperia Home , Asus ZenUI Launcher and One Plus Launcher) is NOT support icon packs** LG Home may working unstable for some device** LG Home with Android Nougat no longer support 3rd party icon pack** GO Launcher doesn't support Icon Masking, so go to preferences > Icons > Mark OFF "show icon base". ** Next Launcher supports icon upon but only system apps but manual apply will change the rest** Before leaving a review that it does not work, kindly install one of the compatible launchersMORE THEMESCheck out my other themes https://goo.gl/zIuN2CCONTACT ME & STAY UPDATEGoogle+ : https://goo.gl/dwh61dTwitter : https://goo.gl/ezmLppInstagram : https://goo.gl/e3VprHTHANKS FOR- Dani Mahardhika for awesome dashboard- Christian Agius for One Plus 5 Mockup

Fake Email

fake email is an application used to quickly send emails without registering, just fill and click! automatically your message will be sent! You can also change your email address and send it to your friends, they will certainly be surprised by the fake address, fun right? Download fake email now and laugh hihihi - Fastest free application send email by fake email address.

Srimulat Warkop DKI Vicky Stiker Wa for Whatsapp

Serukan hari anda bersama teman-teman dan keluarga dengan memakai berbagai meme wajah komik lawak legenda indonesia seperti warkop dkt (dono kasino indro), srimulat (nunung tukul tarzan basuki gogon mamiek dll) serta seleb milenial pakar dramatisasi seperti vicky prasetya di dalam aplikasi stiker whatsapp ini. Cara pasang :1. Download aplikasi ini2. Install3. Buka aplikasi ini, pilih sticker pack yang anda suka4. Download pack5. Add to whatsapp6. Selamat bercakap ria!Kedepannya akan kami update lagi dengan berbagai tokoh lawak-lawak lain yang mungkin anda suka gays.Terima Kasih dan Wassalamu Alaikum Wr Wb..Call on your day with friends and family by using various memes from Indonesian legends comics such as warkop dkt (dono indro casino), srimulat (nunung tukul tarzan basuki gogon mamiek etc.) and expert millennial celebrities such as vicky prasetya in whatsapp stickers application this.How to install:1. Download this application2. Install3. Open this application, select the sticker pack you like4. Download pack5. Add to whatsapp6. Congratulations on conversation!In the future we will update again with various other comedy characters that you might like gays.Thank you and Wassalamu Alaikum Wr Wb ...

Baverage Knowledge

Jenis minuman dalam Bar* Minuman Non Alkohol* Minuman Beralkohol * Beer * Spirit * Dry Spirit * Sweet Spirit * WineTypes of drinks in Bar* Non Alcoholic Beverages* Alcoholic beverages          * Beer          * Spirit                    * Dry Spirit                    * Sweet Spirit          * Wine

Oseng Cumi Asin Pedas Enak Kekinian

Resep Oseng Cumi Asin Pedas adalah Cumi Asin yang sudah dibumbui dimasak, dan direndam dalam larutan cuka selama beberapa hari. Bumbu dan rempah-rempah lainnya juga biasanya ditambahkan ke dalam bumbu perendam untuk menambah kedalaman dan variasi citarasanya.Download Juga Aplikasi Resep Yang Kekinian Lainnya Dari "Resep Kuliner Nusantara"*Cara untuk Membuat Mie Ayam*Cara Memasak Babat Sapi*Cara untuk Menyuwir Ayam*Cara untuk Memasak Ayam*Cara Membuat Tumis Ayam*Cara Memasak Sayap Ayam*Cara Merebus Ayam*Cara untuk Memasak Ayam Goreng*Cara untuk Merendam Ayam*Cara untuk Memanggang Seekor Ayam*Cara Memasak Tempe*Resep cara membuat capcay sederhana yang enak*Cara untuk Mengentalkan Kuah*Cara untuk Membuat Kue Bentuk Hati*Cara untuk Membuat Kue Tres Leches*Cara untuk Membuat Kue Bulan*RESEP RUJAK KANGKUNG DADAKAN SAMBAL PEDAS*RESEP PINDANG TELUR REBUS BUMBU KECAP PRAKTIS*RESEP IKAN ASIN GABUS BALADO*RESEP PISANG BAKAR GAPIT SPESIAL KEJU*RESEP JENGKOL BALADO SAMBAL MERAH PEDAS*Resep Membuat Kepiting Telur Asin untuk Teman Makan Anda*RESEP BATAGOR BANDUNG TAHU BAKSO IKAN GORENG*Resep Sop Iga Sapi Bening Bumbu Spesial*Bikin Sarapan Bubur Praktis nan Lezat untuk si Kecil Ini Resepnya*Cara Membuat Minuman Es Cokelat*Cara untuk Membuat Es Loli*Kreasi Minuman Enak yang Bisa Kamu Buat dari Bahan Dasar Susu*RESEP TAHU ISI BIHUN SAYURAN RENYAH*Resep Bakwan Jamur Tiram Renyah Rasa Gurih*RESEP SAYUR ASEM KUAH ASAM SEGAR*RESEP PEPES JAMUR MERANG TERI GURIH*RESEP TERONG BALADO PADANG ENAK PRAKTIS*RESEP SAYUR BAYAM BENING TEMU KUNCI*RESEP REMPEYEK UDANG GIMBAL RENYAH KRIUK*Cara Melipat Lumpia*Cara Memasak Lumpia*Cara Membuat Turon Bananacue Gulung*Tumis kacang panjang sehat bakso terasi pedas cocok buat diet*Tumis Sawi, Tempe dan jagung janten mudah dan sehat*Tumis Terong Tahu Enak & Sehat*Cah udang sayur sehat*Oseng sayuran sehat*Tumis kubis sehat*Tumis tauge, buncis, dan kol sehat non msg*Tumis Jamur Sawi Tahu Pedas Oatmeal Diet Sehat*Brokoli cah jamur kuping sayur sehat saat Ramadhan*Tumis kacang panjang telur puyuh sehat*Bayam cah telur sedap dan sehat*Ca Sehat Jamur Sawi Telur*Bayam Cah untuk Sarapan Sehat*Buncis Cah Daging Giling Simple Cepat Bergizi*Oseng kecambah,kacang panjang,wortel sederhana dan bergizi*Bubur Oatmeal Tumis Tempe Toge Saus Tiram menu diet sehat*Tumis ayam brokoli menu sehat, eat clean, cocok untuk diet*Tumis sayur San su,sayur organik*Sayur Raja tumis*Tumis sayur dan telur puyuh*RESEP IKAN PATIN BUMBU KUNING ENAK*Tumis sayuran mix daging untuk diet goldar O dan GM*Japchae (tumis 'soun' dan sayur ala korea)*Sayur Tumis Saus Tiram (untuk bekal anak sekolah)*Tumis Sosis Sayur*Martabak isi tumis sosis sehat*Tumis Telur Sosis Sayur (cepat, praktis, enak)*Tumis sayur warna warni*Tumis sayur orak arik (kol, sawi, telor, baso)*Tumis sayur ati ampela*Sayur Tumis Kol Wortel Spesial with telur puyuh dan sosis ayam*Tumis Sayuran Berkuah (Diet Enak Diabetes)*Tumis Jagung Sayuran GPL (Diet Enak Diabetes)*Buncis daging tumis sehat*Tumis Sosis Sayuran*Tumis Bayam Orak Telor untuk Balita*Tumis Sehat Cepat Kenyang*Tumis sayur sederhana ala anak kos*Tumis Sayur Mix*Tumis sayur pelangi*Tumis sayur enak tanpa minyak*Tumis sayur super simpel*Tumis Sayuran dengan Mentega*Daging lada hitam tumis sayur*Tumis aneka sayuran dan mente oven*Kentang Tumis Ayam Sayur*Tumis daun singkong mix udang garing atau rebon*Ayam Tumis Bayam Saus Tiram*Tumis kuah baby kailan jamur udang*Tumis Asparagus Telur & Tomat*Tumis bayam tahu jagung(diet)*Sawi Putih Ebi tumis*Tumis bayam udang*Buncis tumis saos tiram*Tumis Kol Ikan Pindang*Tumis usus ayam dan kacang panjang bumbu kuning*Tumis Buncis baby, wortel jagung madu expres*Tumis Ayam Teri Buncis*Tumis Kangkung Korneta*Tumis Sawi Hijau Sosis*Capcay Kuah Cah Bakso Sehat Bergizi*Sayur Cah Buncis, Petsay, Wortel & Cakalang Goreng*Tumis daun ubi dan udang (menu diet)*Semoga Enak & Lezat*Oseng Recipe Spicy Calamari Asin Asin is already spiced calamari cooked and soaked in vinegar for a few days. Condiments and other spices are also typically added to the marinade to add depth and flavor variations.Also Download The Present Application Recipes More From "Recipes Culinary Archipelago"* How to Make Chicken Noodle* Cooking Beef Tripe* How to Menyuwir Chicken* How to Cook Chicken* How to Make Chicken Saute* How to Cook Chicken Wings* How to Boil Chicken* How to Cook Chicken Fry* How to Soak chicken* How to Roast A Chicken* Cooking Tempe* Recipes how to make a delicious simple capcay* How to thicken Kuah* How to Make Heart Shape Cake* How to Make Tres Leches Cake* How to Make the Moon* RECIPES impromptu kale salad spicy sauce* BOILED EGG RECIPES SPICE pindang MARINADE PRACTICAL* CORK SALTED FISH RECIPES Balado* SPECIAL RECIPES BANANA GRILLED CHEESE pinchers* Sambal Balado jengkol RECIPES SPICY RED* Recipes to Make Salted Egg Crab to Friend Your Spot* BATAGOR BANDUNG KNOW RECIPES MEATBALLS FRIED FISH* Recipes Sop Iga Sapi Bening Special Seasoning* Create Practical nan Delicious breakfast porridge for the little one's Prescription* How To Make Chocolate Ice Beverages* How to Make Ice Loli* Create Delicious Drinks Can You Make of Milk Basic Materials* KNOW RECIPES CONTENTS vermicelli VEGETABLES CRISP* Recipes Bakwan Savory Flavor Crispy Oyster Mushrooms* ASEM sauce VEGETABLE RECIPES FRESH SOUR* RECIPES MUSHROOM Pepes MERANG TERI TASTEFUL* Eggplant Balado PADANG RECIPES GOOD PRACTICAL* VEGETABLE RECIPES SPINACH CLEAR KEY MEETING* Gimbal SHRIMP RECIPES CRISP peanut brittle kriuk* How to Fold Lumpia* How to cook spring rolls* How to Make Turon Bananacue Roll* Saute healthy chickpea meatballs spicy condiment suitable for diet* Saute Sawi, Tempe and corn Janten easy and healthy* Sauteed Eggplant Know Tasty & Healthy* Cah shrimp healthy vegetable* Oseng healthy vegetables* Sauté the cabbage healthy* Sauteed bean sprouts, beans, and cabbage healthy non msg* Mushrooms Sauteed Tofu Spicy Mustard Oatmeal Diet* Broccoli cah vegetable mushroom healthy during Ramadan* Sauteed green beans healthy quail eggs* Spinach cah savory and healthy eggs* Ca Healthy Mushroom Egg Sawi* Spinach Cah for a Healthy Breakfast* Beans Minced Meat Cah Quick Simple Nutritious* Oseng sprouts, string beans, carrots simple and nutritious* Oatmeal porridge Sauteed Abalone Sauce Tempe Toge healthy diet* Saute chicken broccoli healthy menu, eat clean, suitable for diet* San su sauteed vegetables, organic vegetables* Vegetable stir-fried king* Saute vegetables and quail eggs* FISH RECIPES GOOD YELLOW HERBS Patin* Saute the meat mix vegetables for a diet Goldar O and GM* Japchae (sauteed 'Soun' and vegetables ala korea)* Vegetable Saute Abalone Sauce (for the provision of school children)* Saute sausage Vegetables* Martabak contents sausage sauteed healthy* Sauteed Vegetables Sausage Egg (fast, practical, tasty)* Colorful vegetable stir fry* Saute vegetables scrambled (cabbage, mustard, egg, meat ball)* Saute vegetables gizzard ati* Carrots Cabbage Vegetable Saute Special with quail egg and chicken sausage* Sauteed Vegetables Mekuah (Delicious Diet Diabetes)* Corn Sauteed Vegetables GPL (Delicious Diet Diabetes)* Green beans sauteed meat healthy* Saute sausage Vegetables* Sauteed Spinach Scrambled Eggs for Toddlers* Saute Fast Healthy Satiety* Simple vegetable stir fry style boarding school boys* Sauteed Vegetable Mix* Saute vegetable rainbow* Tasty vegetable stir fry without oil* Super simple vegetable stir fry* Sauteed Vegetables with Butter* Meat black pepper stir-fry vegetables* Saute various vegetables and cashew oven* Potatoes Chicken Vegetable Stir-fry* Saute the shrimp crisp mix cassava leaves or rebon* Chicken Sauteed Spinach Sauce Oysters* Saute the shrimp mushroom gravy baby kailan* Sauteed Asparagus Egg & Tomato* Sauteed spinach know maize (diet)* White mustard pan-fried Ebi* Spinach sauteed shrimp* Green beans sauteed oyster sauce* Sauteed Cabbage Fish Pindang* Saute the chicken intestine and yellow string beans seasoning* Sauteed baby green beans, carrots honey corn expres* Sauteed Chicken Teri Beans* Sauteed Kale Korneta* Sautéed Mustard Greens Sausages* Capcay Kuah Cah Meatballs Healthy Nutritious* Vegetable Cah Beans, Petsay, Carrot & Cakalang Fried* Stir-fry potato leaves and shrimp (diet)* May Tasty & Delicious *

Sagon Icon Pack: Dark UI

SAGON ICONSSagon Icon Pack is designed using unique colors to give best look and feel into your device. Each icons crafted manually based on vector graphic processing.FEATURES1. 5362 custom icons2. XXXHDPI icons 192x192 pixel3. Fully based on vector graphic processing4. 100++ HD cloud-based wallpapers5. Many alternate icons to choose from6. Compatible with many Android Launchers7. Regular update / Long term support8. Quick search and preview icons9. Smart and Premium Icon Request10. Muzei live wallpaper support11. Dynamic calendar support e.g Google, Today, Touch, Sunrise, Biz, Business, pre-installed calendar etc12. Shorted in various categories13. Image Picker, Attach Icon from Dashboard App as an Image to Email, Hangouts, etc or Even Use it to Create Zooper Widget14. And many moreCOMPATIBLE WITHApply via Dashboard : Abc Launcher, Action Launcher, Adw Launcher, Apex Launcher, Atom Launcher, Aviate Launcher, Cm Launcher, Evie Launcher, Go Launcher, Holo HD Launcher, Holo Launcher, Lg Home Launcher, Lucid Launcher, M launcher Launcher, Mini Launcher, Next Launcher, Nougat Launcher, Nova Launcher, Smart Launcher, Solo Launcher, V Launcher, ZenUI Launcher, Zero LauncherApply via launcher / theme setting : Poco Launcher, Arrow Launcher, Xperia Home, EverythingMe, Themer, Hola, Arrow Launcher, Trebuchet, Unicon, Cobo Launcher, Line Launcher, Mesh Launcher, Z Launcher, ASAP Launcher, Peek Launcher, and maybe more that have icon pack supportANY UNTHEMED ICONS?Simply use regular / premium Icon Request feature inside the app to request missed icons and leave the rest to meSCREENSHOTS SETUP- Evie Launcher- ScreenerIMPORTANT** This is not standalone app. You need a compatible Android launcher to use this icon pack** Google Now Launcher, Pixel Launcher, or any launcher that came factory installed (except Lg , Xperia Home , Asus ZenUI Launcher and One Plus Launcher) is NOT support icon packs** LG Home may working unstable for some device** LG Home with Android Nougat no longer support 3rd party icon pack** GO Launcher doesn't support Icon Masking, so go to preferences > Icons > Mark OFF "show icon base". ** Next Launcher supports icon upon but only system apps but manual apply will change the rest** Before leaving a review that it does not work, kindly install one of the compatible launchersMORE THEMESCheck out my other themes https://goo.gl/zIuN2CCONTACT ME & STAY UPDATEGoogle+ : https://goo.gl/dwh61dTwitter : https://goo.gl/ezmLppInstagram : https://goo.gl/e3VprHTHANKSThanks to Dani Mahardhika for awesome dashboard



General Sociology Concepts

Sociology is the scientific study of society, including patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and culture. It is a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation[ and critical analysis[ to develop a body of knowledge about social order, acceptance, and change or social evolution. Many sociologists aim to conduct research that may be applied directly to social policy and welfare, while others focus primarily on refining the theoretical understanding of social processes. Subject matter ranges from the micro-sociology level of individual agency and interaction to the macro level of systems and the social structure. The traditional focuses of sociology include social stratification, social class, social mobility, religion, secularization, law, sexuality, gender, and deviance. As all spheres of human activity are affected by the interplay between social structure and individual agency, sociology has gradually expanded its focus to other subjects, such as health, medical, economy, military and penal institutions, the Internet, education, social capital, and the role of social activity in the development of scientific knowledge.And this app contains more 50 sociology concept, you can read and understand what you need to know. And 20 themes of sociology concepts is; 1. Attitude2. Alienation3. Beliefs4. Bureaucracy5. Civil inattention6. Civil rights7. Crime8. Commodity fetishism9. Community (outline)10. Consumption (consumerism)11. Cultural capital12. Culture (outline)13. Discrimination14. Division of labour15. Equality16. Exploitation17. Family18. Freedom19. Gemeinschaft and gesellschaft20. GlobalizationAnd another 30 themes of sociology concepts in one apps. Download and read the material you need for your study.

General Psychology

Psychology is the science of behavior and mind, including conscious and unconscious phenomena, as well as feeling and thought. It is an academic discipline of immense scope and diverse interests that, when taken together, seek an understanding of the emergent properties of brains, and all the variety of epiphenomena they manifest. As a social science it aims to understand individuals and groups by establishing general principles and researching specific cases.In this field, a professional practitioner or researcher is called a psychologist and can be classified as a social, behavioral, or cognitive scientist. Psychologists attempt to understand the role of mental functions in individual and social behavior, while also exploring the physiological and biological processes that underlie cognitive functions and behaviors.This App Contains Material:1 Etymology and definitions2 History 3 Disciplinary organization 4 Major schools of thought 5 Themes 6 Applications 7 Research methods 8 Contemporary issues in methodology and practice9 Ethics 10 List of social psychology theories11 Psychological phenomena

Alexis Pie Icon Pack - Clean and Minimalistic

ALEXIS PIE ICONSNeed an elegant theme to make your device look sweeter? Give Alexis Pie a try!.FEATURES1. 4694 icons and grow2. XXXHDPI icons 192x192 pixel3. Fully based on vector graphic processing4. 100++ HD cloud-based wallpapers5. Many alternate icons to choose from6. Compatible with many Android Launchers7. Regular update / Long term support8. Quick search and preview icons9. Smart and Premium Icon Request10. Muzei live wallpaper support11. Dynamic calendar support e.g Google, Today, Touch, Sunrise, Biz, Business, pre-installed calendar etc12. Shorted in various categories13. Image Picker, Attach Icon from Dashboard App as an Image to Email, Hangouts, etc or Even Use it to Create Zooper Widget14. And many moreCOMPATIBLE WITHApply via Dashboard : Abc Launcher, Action Launcher, Adw Launcher, Apex Launcher, Atom Launcher, Aviate Launcher, Cm Launcher, Evie Launcher, Go Launcher, Holo HD Launcher, Holo Launcher, Lg Home Launcher, Lucid Launcher, M launcher Launcher, Mini Launcher, Next Launcher, Nougat Launcher, Nova Launcher, Smart Launcher, Solo Launcher, V Launcher, ZenUI Launcher, Zero LauncherApply via launcher / theme setting : Poco Launcher, Arrow Launcher, Xperia Home, EverythingMe, Themer, Hola, Arrow Launcher, Trebuchet, Unicon, Cobo Launcher, Line Launcher, Mesh Launcher, Z Launcher, ASAP Launcher, Peek Launcher, and maybe more that have icon pack supportANY UNTHEMED ICONS?Simply use regular / premium icon request feature inside the app to request missed icons and leave the rest to meIMPORTANT** This is not standalone app. You need a compatible Android launcher to use this icon pack** Google Now Launcher, Pixel Launcher, or any launcher that came factory installed (except Lg , Xperia Home , Asus ZenUI Launcher and One Plus Launcher) is NOT support icon packs** LG Home may working unstable for some device** LG Home with Android Nougat no longer support 3rd party icon pack** GO Launcher doesn't support Icon Masking, so go to preferences > Icons > Mark OFF "show icon base". ** Next Launcher supports icon upon but only system apps but manual apply will change the rest** Before leaving a review that it does not work, kindly install one of the compatible launchersMORE THEMESCheck out my other themes https://goo.gl/zIuN2CCONTACT ME & STAY UPDATEGoogle+ : https://goo.gl/dwh61dTwitter : https://goo.gl/ezmLppInstagram : https://goo.gl/e3VprHTHANKS TODashboard : Dani MahardhikaForest wallpaper : Casey HornerFerns wallpaper : Teemu PaananenSamsung Mockup : Wassim Awadallah

Si-Eka Kinerja ASN

Penilaian Prestasi PNS. ASN harus mengembangkan nilai Budaya Kerja Kementerian Agama yang meliputi integritas, profesionalitas, inovasi, tanggung jawab, dan keteladanan. “Jadi selain melakukan pengisian informasi secara elektronik juga harus menerapkan budaya kerja agar menjadi ASN yang berintegritasPrivacy Policy :Aplikasi Si-Eka kinerja ASN ini merupakan bersifat jembatan penghubung yang ada pada link kemenag dan bersifat unofficial.PNS Achievement Assessment. ASN must develop the value of the Ministry of Religion's Work Culture which includes integrity, professionalism, innovation, responsibility, and example. "So in addition to charging information electronically, it must also apply a work culture to become ASN with integrityPrivacy Policy:The Si-Eka application for ASN performance is a connecting bridge that exists on the link and is unofficial.

Pacify Exceed (Android P) - Theme for Xperia™

The world's first theme from X-Variant that brings the concept of Android "P". Elemental Pacify Exceed will take you to the concept of Android P. It is Royal Edition. Buy now!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tema pertama di dunia dari X-Variant yang mengusung konsep Android "P". Elemental Pacify Exceed akan membawa Anda ke konsep Android P. Ini adalah Royal Edition. Beli sekarang!(required Android 6.0 and above).----------------------------------------------------(diperlukan Android 6.0 dan diatasnya).Please give your feedback about X-Variant Theme series.If You liked X-Variant Theme series, do not forget to rate it 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐. Thank you.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Silakan beri tanggapan Anda tentang seri X-Variant Theme.Jika Anda menyukai tema-tema dari X-Variant, jangan lupa untuk memberi nilai 5 bintang ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.Terima kasih.Important! :Please do not use 3rd party launcher when you use this theme. because this theme really supports Sony's default launcher. this is because the 3rd party launcher can not read the main screen position on the home screen, so the Back button will be seen on the home screen when you use 3rd party launcher.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Penting! :Harap jangan gunakan launcher pihak ketiga saat Anda menggunakan tema ini. karena tema ini benar-benar mendukung Beranda Xperia. ini karena launcher pihak ke-3 tidak dapat membaca posisi layar utama di home screen, sehingga tombol Kembali akan terlihat di home screen saat Anda menggunakan launcher pihak ke-3.Designed-with-Theme-Creator-for-Xperia™.The first world theme from X-Variant that brings the concept of Android "P". Elemental Pacify Exceed will take you to the concept of Android P. It is Royal Edition. Buy now!-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------The first theme in the world from X-Variant which carries the concept of Android "P". Elemental Pacify Exceed will take you to the concept of Android P. This is Royal Edition. Buy now!(required Android 6.0 and above).-------------------------------------------------- -(required Android 6.0 and above).Please give your feedback about the X-Variant Theme series.If you liked X-Variant Theme series, do not forget to rate it 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.Thank you-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Please give your feedback about the X-Variant Theme series.If you like the themes of X-Variant, don't forget to give 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.thanks.Important! :Please do not use 3rd party launcher when you use this theme. because this theme really supports Sony's default launcher. this is because the 3rd party launcher can not read the main screen position on the home screen, so the Back button will be seen on the home screen when you use 3rd party launcher.-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Important! :Please do not use third party launchers when you use this theme. because this theme really supports the Xperia Home. this is because the 3rd party launcher cannot read the main screen's position on the home screen, so the Back button will be visible on the home screen when you use a 3rd party launcher.Designed-with-Theme-Creator-for-Xperia ™.

Sagon Circle Icon Pack

SAGON CIRCLE ICONSSagon Circle is rounded version of Sagon Icon Pack. All of the icons in Sagon Circle into your screen device. Each icons crafted manually based on vector graphic processing.FEATURES1. 4811 custom icons and grow2. XXXHDPI icons 192x192 pixel3. Fully based on vector graphic processing4. 100++ HD cloud-based wallpapers5. Many alternate icons to choose from6. Compatible with many Android Launchers7. Regular update / Long term support8. Quick search and preview icons9. Smart and Premium Icon Request10. Muzei live wallpaper support11. Dynamic calendar support e.g Google, Today, Touch, Sunrise, Biz, Business, pre-installed calendar etc12. Shorted in various categories13. Image Picker, Attach Icon from Dashboard App as an Image to Email, Hangouts, etc or Even Use it to Create Zooper Widget14. And many moreCOMPATIBLE WITHApply via Dashboard : Abc Launcher, Action Launcher, Adw Launcher, Apex Launcher, Atom Launcher, Aviate Launcher, Cm Launcher, Evie Launcher, Go Launcher, Holo HD Launcher, Holo Launcher, Lg Home Launcher, Lucid Launcher, M launcher Launcher, Mini Launcher, Next Launcher, Nougat Launcher, Nova Launcher, Smart Launcher, Solo Launcher, V Launcher, ZenUI Launcher, Zero LauncherApply via launcher / theme setting : Poco Launcher, Arrow Launcher, Xperia Home, EverythingMe, Themer, Hola, Arrow Launcher, Trebuchet, Unicon, Cobo Launcher, Line Launcher, Mesh Launcher, Z Launcher, ASAP Launcher, Peek Launcher, and maybe more that have icon pack supportANY UNTHEMED ICONS?Simply use regular / premium Icon Request feature inside the app to request missed icons and leave the rest to meIMPORTANT** This is not standalone app. You need a compatible Android launcher to use this icon pack** Google Now Launcher, Pixel Launcher, or any launcher that came factory installed (except Lg , Xperia Home , Asus ZenUI Launcher and One Plus Launcher) is NOT support icon packs** LG Home may working unstable for some device** LG Home with Android Nougat no longer support 3rd party icon pack** GO Launcher doesn't support Icon Masking, so go to preferences > Icons > Mark OFF "show icon base". ** Next Launcher supports icon upon but only system apps but manual apply will change the rest** Before leaving a review that it does not work, kindly install one of the compatible launchersMORE THEMESCheck out my other themes https://goo.gl/zIuN2CCONTACT ME & STAY UPDATEGoogle+ : https://goo.gl/dwh61dTwitter : https://goo.gl/ezmLppInstagram : https://goo.gl/e3VprHTHANKSThanks to Dani Mahardhika for awesome dashboard

Introduction to Philosophy Pro

Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. The term was probably coined by Pythagoras (c. 570–495 BCE). Philosophical methods include questioning, critical discussion, rational argument, and systematic presentation. Classic philosophical questions include: Is it possible to know anything and to prove it? What is most real? Philosophers also pose more practical and concrete questions such as: Is there a best way to live? Is it better to be just or unjust (if one can get away with it)? Do humans have free will?This App contains some material of philosophy:- Aesthetics- Epistemology- Etics- Logic- Mrthaphisics- Philosophy of religion- Philosophy of history- Philosophy of language- Philosophy of education- Philosophy of Mathematics

Playset Toys PJ Masks Headquarters Unboxing

Video Playset Toys PJ Masks Headquarters Unboxing

Applied Mathematics

Applied mathematics is the application of mathematical methods by different fields such as science, engineering, business, computer science, and industry. Thus, applied mathematics is a combination of mathematical science and specialized knowledge. The term "applied mathematics" also describes the professional specialty in which mathematicians work on practical problems by formulating and studying mathematical models. In the past, practical applications have motivated the development of mathematical theories, which then became the subject of study in pure mathematics where abstract concepts are studied for their own sake. The activity of applied mathematics is thus intimately connected with research in pure mathematics.And discuss themes;• Mathematical physics• Analytical mechanics• Mathematical fluid dynamics• Numerical analysis• Control theory• Dynamical systems• Mathematical optimization• Operations research• Probability• Statistics• Game theory• Mathematical economics• Financial mathematics• Information theory• Cryptography• Mathematical biology

Doctor Sugerry Clinic Simulator

Hey kids! Do you want to become a professional Emergency Physician Surgeon and provide patients with appropriate wound care and therapy at a hospital or clinic? Do you want to save the life of an accident patient or a chronic pain? If yes than you do not have to wait anymore because a powder simulation game in a professional clinic brings you Emergency Surgery Doctor.With great graphics and crazy game play, the reality is amazing like a surgical simulator and a real bone splicing. Doctor Sugerry Clinic Simulator is a crazy real simulator game operation for kids. The patient may need a pacemaker fixed inside him or she may need a heart transplant surgery device. But this is no easy operation to do, you will need a lot of tools to open the chest and it's not even easy to use them. Keep track of your progress & keep checking your heart rate monitor. Because you are the top open chest surgeon, to perform emergency simulator surgery and save your patient! Use a real medical tool to treat patients in the hospital. Become a real doctor and a crazy surgeon to do the simulation on your patient. Test your skills, become a professional surgeon, treat patients with painful expressions and make them healthy and happy again. But first you need to know the patient's history before treating them and send them to the operating room.Some people have a call for an emergency ambulance er, thank God the ambulance has been reached in time if the patient will go in a frozen state. Doctor Ambulance has recorded symptoms on the way to the hospital. Patients suffer from chest pain that can affect the movement of the arms, fingers and toes if the heart does not pump blood properly. the patient's blood vessels and arteries may have been blocked because he has ignored all advised from his doctor & kept ordering junk food while sitting on the couch & watching a movie with out work out. You are now the patient's last hope because you are the only top surgeon of emergency er er in the city thus preventing him into getting into a frozen state. To avoid other damage, prepare for a heart open surgery game now. You will become the er emergency heart surgeon to perform the surgery. Mark the area where you want to cut and use a sharp cutter to open the chest and abs up. Cut off the chest & abs and be very careful not to damage the lungs, kidneys or stomach as these organs are aside from the heart. Carefully cut through the ribs and grabbed the frozen liver. You should wear gloves and clean hands and wrists. Calling all other surgeons on duty to keep a check on the patient's organs while you perform a simulated open heart surgery. Features:- Amazing graphics and crazy game play.- Realistic open surgical bone Simulation.- Use medical devices such as scalpel, tweezers, scissors, injection, antiseptic lotion, creams, relief.- Live Send the patient from realistic chest pain problems, perform surgeries, make tests and allow opportunities to survive your patients.- Crazy team of doctors to help you in a surgical simulation clinic.

General Economic Concepts

An economy (from Greek οίκος – "household" and νέμoμαι – "manage") is an area of the production, distribution, or trade[1], and consumption of goods and services by different agents. Understood in its broadest sense, 'The economy is defined as a social domain that emphasizes the practices, discourses, and material expressions associated with the production, use, and management of resources'.[2] Economic agents can be individuals, businesses, organizations, or governments. Economic transactions occur when two parties agree to the value or price of the transacted good or service, commonly expressed in a certain currency. However, monetary transactions only account for a small part of the economic domain. Some concepts of general economics;• Keynesian economics• Classical economics• Neo-Keynesian economics• Neoclassical economics• New classical economics• New Keynesian economics• Participatory economics• Home economics• Goods • Modern portfolio theory• Game theory• Human development theory• Production theory basics• Time preference theory of interest• Agent• Arbitrage• Big Mac Index• Big push model• Cash crop• Canadian and American economies compared• Catch-up effect• Chicago school• Collusion• Commodity• Comparative advantage• Competitive advantage• complementarity• Consumer and producer surplus• Cost • Debt• Devaluation• Disposable income


best drug info and offline database application including description of drug, interaction, metabolism of action, and many more about drug.feature : *search drug*fast scroll (Alphabetic scroll)*detail of drug*category of drug*drug favorite*share drug*copy drug*etc

Scary Granny Story

This application is an application Scary Granny Story, there is an image that you can use as wallpaper Play SCARY GRANNY

Materi Uji SKU Penggalang

Telah berisi materi 30 Syarat Kecakapan Umum Penggalang edisi terbaru. Dengan Kurikulum yang baru akan memudahkan seorang Penggalang mendapatkan SKU!Aplikasi ini juga memudahkan pembina dalam memandu latihan rutin anak didiknya.Selamat Memandu!Terms contain material has 30 General Proficiency Penggalang latest edition. With the new curriculum will facilitate a Penggalang getting SKU!This application also allows supervisors to guide their students exercise routine.Guiding Congratulations!

Dam Daman (Checker)

Strategy board games for two players which involve diagonal moves of uniform game pieces and mandatory captures by jumping over opponent pieces.Draughts is played by two opponents, on opposite sides of the gameboard. One player has the dark pieces; the other has the light pieces. Players alternate turns. A player may not move an opponent's piece. A move consists of moving a piece diagonally to an adjacent unoccupied square. If the adjacent square contains an opponent's piece, and the square immediately beyond it is vacant, the piece may be captured (and removed from the game) by jumping over it.Only the dark squares of the checkered board are used. A piece may move only diagonally into an unoccupied square. Capturing is mandatory in most official rules, although some rule variations make capturing optional when presented.[5] In almost all variants, the player without pieces remaining, or who cannot move due to being blocked, loses the game.


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