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Rabies Shot Scheduler

Rabies Shot Scheduler is an easy-to-use JavaScript based application where any one can generate a complete schedule of Anti-rabies vaccine shots as per WHO (World Health Organization) guidelines.This app can be very useful for health care professionals like Doctors, Nurses, Medical Students and other Paramedics who need to treat and vaccinate patients in ER, Hospitals and clinics, who come with a history of dog bites or other suspected rabid animal bites on regular basis. They can use this application effectively to generate vaccination schedule for their patients and also, calculate the doses of Rabies Immunoglobulin whenever it's required. This application will certainly save a lot of time.How to use this application?Rabies Shot Scheduler app is very easy to use. Please follow the following steps.Step 1: Pick the date of your first anti-rabies vaccine shot from the given calendar field.Step 2:Select one option based upon your type of exposure.- Select 'Post-exposure Prophylaxis' if you have already been bitten by a suspected rabid animal and never took anti-rabies vaccine before.- Select 'Pre-exposure Prophylaxis' if you have not bitten by any suspected rabid animal but want to be immunized against this fatal disease as a part of precautionary measures. This prophylaxis is recommended for Laboratory staff, Vets, Animal catchers, Wildlife workers etc. as they are at high risk of contacting Rabies due to their professions.Step 3:Touch on the 'Generate Schedule' button. - A list of 5 Vaccination Dates (Day 0, 3, 7, 14, 28) will be generated automatically, if you select the first option i.e. Post-exposure Prophylaxis.- A list of 3 Vaccination Dates (Day 0, 7, 21 or 28) will be generated automatically, if you select the second option i.e. Pre-exposure Prophylaxis.RIG Dose calculator:Rabies Immunoglobulin (RIG) must be administered along with the modern cell culture Anti-rabies Vaccines in case of Category - III (severe) bite wounds. This antiserum should be infiltrated locally in and around the wound within 0 - 7 days after the bite. Doses of Rabies Immunoglobulins can easily be calculated using our Application. The process is very simple - Step 1: Navigate to 'RIG Dose Calculator' from the left sliding panel and then enter your body weight in the given field.Step 2:Select the type of antiserum from Human Rabies Immunoglobulin (HRIG) and Equine Rabies Immunoglobulin (ERIG).Step 3:Touch on the 'Calculate Dose' button.That's it! Our app will calculate and show the appropriate dose of your selected antiserum instantly.In addition to the above mentioned features, you can also browse different pages from the sliding menu and learn more about Rabies in humans, it's cause, mode of transmission, categories of bite wounds, signs and symptoms of rabies, vaccination prophylaxis, dosage of vaccine, rabies immunoglobulin, preferred site of injection, name of some commonly used vaccines, first line of management and other possible treatment options etc.In Version 2.0, we have included a Print / Save as PDF button on every page of this app. Now users will be able to PRINT Vaccination Schedules, RIG Dosage and other contents of this app directly from their smartphones or SAVE as PDF files.This app extracts data directly from the web server and, therefore, user's devices (smart phones and tablets) must be connected to Internet before using this application.


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