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Applications in Sfax | Tunisia

Software Deals and SaaS Discounts in Sfax, Tunisia. Lowest Prices and Lifetime Subscriptions. Productivity, Marketing and Content Creation Tools. Presets, Templates, Courses and Masterclass e-Books in Sfax, Tunisia

Grammaire Française de Base

Cette application est un résumé des principales notions de base de la grammaire française.Elle comporte les leçons suivantes:- Les formes de la phrase- Les types de la phrase- Les constituants de la phrase simple- La subordination- Les expansions du nom- Les déterminants - La cause- La conséquence - Le but- Les procédés de reprises- un quiz portant sur l'ensemble des leçons- Les pronoms personnels- Le discours rapporté- L'hypothèse- L'expression du temps- La nominalisationThis application is a summary of the basics of French grammar.It includes the following lessons:- The shapes of the sentence- The type of the sentence- The components of the simple sentence- Subordination- Expansions name- The determinants- The cause- The consequence- The goal- The processes of times- A quiz on all the lessons- Personal pronouns- Reported speech- The assumption- Expression of time- Nominalization

Mediterranean Rivers (Unreleased)

This app let you report your local problems related with rivers in your Mediterranean country.


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  • Repair and technical
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